
Transfer a URL using SAML/ECP authentication.

ecp-curl attemps to use existing cookies for the target domain and prompts for authorisation information if required. Persistent cookies acquired during transactions are automatically recorded in the cookie file, but session cookies are discarded (unless –store-session-cookies is given).

Currently only HTTP GET requests are supported (patches welcome!).

Usage: ecp-curl [-i IDENTITY_PROVIDER] [-k] [-u USERNAME] [-h] [-l] [-V]
                [-c FILE] [-d] [-o FILE] [-s]

Required arguments


the URL to transfer

Authentication options

-i, --identity-provider

name of institution providing the identity (e.g. ‘Cardiff University’), or domain name of IdP host (e.g., see –list-idps for a list of Identity Provider (IdPs) and their IdP URL. Shortened institution names (e.g. ‘Cardiff’) can be given as long as they uniquely match a full institution name known by CILogon

-k, --kerberos

enable kerberos negotiation

Default: False

-u, --username

authentication username, will be prompted for if not given and not using –kerberos

Other options

-c, --cookiefile

cookie file to use

Default: “/tmp/ecpcookie.u1005”

-d, --debug

write debug output (uses both stderr and stdout)

Default: False

-o, --output

write to FILE instead of stdout

-s, --store-session-cookies

store session cookies in the cookie file

Default: False

Helper arguments

-l, --list-idps

show IdP names and URLs and exit

-V, --version

show program’s version number and exit