
Create an X.509 certificate using ECP authentication.

ecp-get-cert enables you to authenticate using SAML/ECP against any identity provider registered with CILogon, and create an X.509 credential for use in querying services under the same identity and access management domain.

Usage: ecp-get-cert [-i IDENTITY_PROVIDER] [-k] [-u USERNAME] [-h] [-l] [-V]
                    [-d] [-f FILE] [-H HOURS] [-p] [-r [HOURS]] [-v] [-X]

Authentication options

-i, --identity-provider

name of institution providing the identity (e.g. ‘Cardiff University’), or domain name of IdP host (e.g., see –list-idps for a list of Identity Provider (IdPs) and their IdP URL. Shortened institution names (e.g. ‘Cardiff’) can be given as long as they uniquely match a full institution name known by CILogon

-k, --kerberos

enable kerberos negotiation

Default: False

-u, --username

authentication username, will be prompted for if not given and not using –kerberos

Other options

-d, --debug

write debug output (uses both stderr and stdout, implies –verbose)

Default: False

-f, --file

certificate file to create/reuse/destroy

Default: “/tmp/x509up_u1005”

-H, --hours

lifetime of the certificate

Default: 277

-p, --proxy

create RFC 3820 compliant impersonation proxy

Default: False

-r, --reuse

reuse an existing certificate if valid for more than 1.0 hours, or pass a number of hours to specify

Default: False

-v, --verbose

write verbose output to stdout

Default: False

-X, --destroy

destroy existing certificate

Default: False

Helper arguments

-l, --list-idps

show IdP names and URLs and exit

-V, --version

show program’s version number and exit


$ ecp-get-cert -i ‘My Institution’

to authenticate with a username and password prompt, or

$ ecp-get-cert -u -i ‘My Institution’

to authenticate with only a password prompt, or

$ ecp-get-cert -i ‘My Institution’ -k

to reuse an existing kerberos (kinit) credential.

The identitity provider name can be given in a number of ways, so long as the argument uniquely identifies a provider. For example, the following are all equivalent:

$ ecp-get-cert -i ‘Cardiff University’ $ ecp-get-cert -i Cardiff $ ecp-get-cert -i $ ECP_IDP=”Cardiff” ecp-get-cert



the default path for the credential file


the name/url of the default Identity Provider (–institution)